Noe Warren / Photography BA(Hons)


self portrait laying on bed


the first time i yell at a doctor

we sit in a white office

with a green door

and a big certificate on the wall that says

‘i’m not a specialist, but.’


shaded fridge door


self portrait smoking on bed


i check on the thought of you dying

a few times a day; how big it got; if i missed it’s first word.


raising hand


falling stacked papers in front of full body shot


i go home


In Our Bed

Bam, Noe’s partner, suffers from a debilitating chronic illness. Noe, Bam’s partner, is their carer. These photographs of Bam and Noe have been taken collaboratively in their shared home in the fall of 2019. As a matter of coping with Bam’s diminishing health, Bam and Noe attempted to create a record of their little life together.