Ruby Jacobs / Fine Art Painting BA(Hons)

My work invokes a feeling of feminine pride within me. As I paint, I feel a deep connection to the women of the past who have been sexually inhibited by societies judgement, and many of my works in this exhibition are inspired by a woman’s right for desire. As of recent, I’ve slipped into a strange quarantine-induced inspiration spurt, adoring bizarre things I never thought could’ve ever inspired me before, while also encompassing sexuality. Basic outdoor furniture, rats (dead and alive) brought in by my cat, my favourite daily breakfast, a pregnancy scare, my adoration of feet, my housemates pet Giant African Land Snails, and many more. By using digital experimental collaging methods and an array of eccentric colours, my work has evolved into a true sense of freedom in me, a lack of shame, and a strange, unexpected sense of confidence that encompasses fun, sex, weirdness and freedom.



Abstract figure
Baby Scare



Abstract faces
Big Nose Face Lick



Figures and rats
Dead Rats are People Too



Abstract faces
Self Portrait



Jar Feet Chair
Three Feet