George Roast / Photography BA(Hons)

‘Little Jacket for a Man’

This collection of images presents an exploration into the physical properties of darkroom paper. All paper used has passed its chemical expiration date, some date as far back as the 1920’s. It has been processed using traditional darkroom methods, however without exposure to light via an enlarger, therefore any image that emerges is either as a result of a light leak prior to my acquisition, or else produced solely by the action of the darkroom chemistry in combination with the chemical properties of the paper. The images are a culmination of several years’ investigation into techniques of cameraless photography. With each different process I sought to simplify the elements to the fewest necessary that will produce an image, to have as little interference with the paper as possible, to find a pure expression of photography, or rather to discover the purity of photography expressing itself.


Installation view
Composition 5 (Installation view)


Installation view
Composition 4 (Installation view)


Installation view
Composition 7 (Installation view)


Installation View
Composition 16 (Installation view)


Installation view
Composition 18 (Installation view)