Ricky Griggs / Fine Art Painting BA(Hons)

Our use of language is being recoded by digital networks and our changing perception of time. Are we losing our ability to generate meaning without any inner law or by design of anything other than ourselves? I attempt to view painting as a fluid and interchangeable language. Born out of metaphor and nuances rather than a correct code of interpretation. My process aims to challenge our preconceived ideas of knowledge and aesthetics. Engaging with the act of reproduction, both re-animating my own work and the gestures of other artists; the differing conditions that are affecting my life and my ability to recreate such gestures leak into the process. These leaks act as a mirror reflecting my unique relationships with time and the world around me. A mirror that often contradicts and challenges the original intentions of what is reproduced, as they become subjected to the ghost that haunt my life.


Abstract Painting


Abstract Painting


Abstract Painting


Abstract Painting


Abstract Painting