Holly Oetegenn / Fine Art Critical Practice BA(Hons)

Nominated for: Nagoya University of the Arts Prize (group nomination)

My work has a recurring fluency of colour often capturing a fleeting moment. The painterly practice I have developed carries an impressionistic value in style and movement influenced by artists such as A.Meade. The work sits on an ever swaying line of performance to camera and portraiture. It hosts an innate intimacy of likeness, showing little regard for traditional realism, and has an aesthetic of personal, emotional representation.

‘The Women of Today’, is an ongoing painting series that stands as a symbol of the powerful, positive influences I have encountered. The work features creatives, activists, poets and writers that have shaped my view of a progressive generation.

The intention of my work has developed from a once aesthetic practice to encompass the political climate of today, shining a light on subjects traditionally marginalised. I deem my work to a continual, evolving conversation that aims to raise awareness of the marginalised, my contribution to a progressive future.


Painting figurative
Rosie (2020)


Painting figurative
Gina (2020)


Painting figurative
Emily (2020)


Painting figurative
Chessie (2020)