Nominated for: Faith & Spirituality Team Wellbeing Prize
My work often addresses human behaviour and its negative impact on the environment. My ideas take the form of photography and establish themselves in the form of video installation. Relevant movements are Art Povera, Environmental and Land Art. Often in my work I highlight environmental issues such as to littering and its harmful effect on wildlife and nature, often in a humorous manner, aiming to alter people’s perspectives on these issues. Relatable art-theories are Symbolism and Mimesis. I like finding the interconnected ways in which we can benefit other lifeforms other than ourselves and choose to celebrate these methods through art. Some artists that have inspired me are Land artists: Robert Smithston and Nancy Holt.
Outside the University of Brighton, I have participated in an exhibition called ‘Miniature art’ held at The Bee’s Mouth, Hove February 2020, where I submitted a painting of Étretat, France, named ‘Untitled’. I used a miniature piece of wood that I collected from Étretat’s beach and created a painting of the place in which I found it, keeping to the theme of Environmental Art, this time re-using ‘waste’ for art purposes. My ambitions are to provoke realisations of such actions that are harmful to the environment and hope to inspire a positive change in humanity.