Ekam Hundal / Fine Art Sculpture BA(Hons)

Self, spirituality and sonder are key concepts explored within my practice. The setup of transitional borders is explored – from barriers that keep us together and apart, to the parameters of the individual and perceptions of free-will and fate. Considering the growth of science and technology and the debates surrounding individualism and collectivism, my work shifts the preconceptions of spirituality away from stereotypes surrounding the aesthetics of practices and followers. Aspects of the mundane and its importance in relation to spirituality is also explored in my practice. Similarly, to questions being raised about the determination of our futures and what may be, my work also highlights the spaces around us and to presences in the present. As an artist, I don’t intend to dictate these boundaries, but rather to spark intrigue amongst others and bring an awareness to these otherwise invisible walls that exist in society and the spaces around us.




Digital illustration of an intended installation art work. a curtained freestanding area with a TV and person sitting
Present (2020)


Digital illustration of arial view an intended installation art work. a curtained freestanding area with a TV and person sitting
Present, aerial installation view