Ed Pearce / 3D Design and Craft BA(Hons)

Family Heirlooms are often reworked and reimagined to create newer more contemporary pieces. This is common in jewellery; however, this project explores the possibility of reusing old furniture and transforming it and incorporating original parts to produce a contemporary design.

Often antique furniture is inherited, and it comes with strong emotions and memories surrounding the object, but it may not fit into modern spaces, or the room to house it. By redesigning the pieces in a more contemporary fashion while incorporating material components of the older artefact, the material heritage is carried forward in the new pieces and evolves with the times to become a desirable modern item of furniture, with strong links to the past.

Models and samples
Models and samples


Model making
Model making


Desk sketch
Desk sketch


Desk in studio


Seated at Bureau
Seated at bureau