Caitlin Irving / Photography BA(Hons)

‘What Was (and no longer is)’

‘What Was (and no longer is)’ was born from an aching, low-burning anxiety for the difficulties of the present and the uncertainties of the future.

The use of alternative photographic processes represents a source of comfort and emotional catharsis. The significance of the shell lies within its figurative potential for inhabitation and shelter from the perils of the outside world; like a miniscule microcosm, its contents unbeknownst to us, contained within a perfect spiral.

The prints, translated into a digital format via a scanner, a medium that bridges the gap between analogue and digital, explore and overstep the boundaries of the physical and the ethereal.

The result is a triptych of scanographs, each one made up of its own triptych of shells that display the progressive deterioration of the subject from its integral structure to an undistinguishable virtual form.



distorted shells, beach



distorted shells on beach



Distorted shells on beach