Bronte Simpson-Little / 3D Design and Craft BA(Hons)

Winner: Anna Maria Desogus Memorial Prize
Incentive Award: Nagoya University of the Arts Prize
Nominated for: Richard Seager Bursary Award

A Link to Traditional Craft 

Immersing myself in the natural environment and local agriculture across Sussex and embarking on journeys where I experienced the joys of the natural world has been inspirational to my work. Whilst researching, I found myself in awe of the astounding beauty and saturation of colour which captured a sense of calm and peacefulness within, and my aim was to reflect this feeling and impact into my work and practice. I also engaged in heritage craft workshops and work experiences and my work also celebrates these traditions.

Utilising the process of hand-making and hand-building I used the landscape to reform it into a physical object. My final pieces gently reveal my collections of natural and organic material, worn away through the process of smoke firing. These traditional methods expose the raw texture underneath which symbolise the connection between material, man and landscape.

Click link to view my Creative Enquiry PDF: Additional Course Exhibition – External Link


Three Link Chain
Three Link Chain



Chain of Three
Chain of Three


Little Link of Nine
Little Link of Nine


Smoke Firing
Smoke Firing


Straw Woven Bag
Straw Woven Bag